At Amanda Lee & Co an important observation we have made over the years is that the most successful business people are those who know how to build, maintain and leverage relationships. They make the most of every resource available to them. They make the right connections to get the right advice. They understand the value of a fresh set of eyes looking over their business to help it reach it’s potential.
What if you could get good quality advice for free? And even better, what if you could get funding to help implement that advice.
Such a program exists! It’s offered by Enterprise Connect. Part of the Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research, it is a $50 million a year Australian Government program that provides support to eligible Australian businesses. They focus on connecting your business to knowledge, tools and expertise necessary to improve productivity, increase competitiveness and fully capitalise on the growth potential of your business.
Would you like to know if your business is heading in the right direction? An Enterprise Connect Business Review is a top-to-bottom analysis of your business, carried out on-site by a highly skilled and experienced Business Adviser.
Your Business Adviser will work with people throughout various operational levels of your business to develop a thorough view of:
- Strengths and weaknesses of your business
- Strategic issues
- Potential areas for business improvement and
- Potential areas for growth
Your Adviser will spend three to four days on-site gathering information for your Business Review. They will then help connect you to the right resources to implement the strategies suggested in your Review.
The Business Review costs your business nothing, apart from your time.
From there, eligible businesses may be able to access a range of additional services provided by Enterprise Connect including the Tailored Advisory Service which provides matching funding of up to $20,000 to implement changes identified through the Business Review.
To be eligible for a free Business Review your business must meet these criteria:
- Possess an Australian Company Number (ACN)
- Meet the minimum $1m p/a turnover
- Be solvent
- Have operated in Australia and filed business activity statements showing ongoing trading in at least three consecutive years
- Operate in one of the following sectors or regions:
- manufacturing or manufacturing-related services
- resources technology
- defence
- clean technology
- creative industries
- remote Australia
- tourism
- Not have received a Business Review previously.
- Comply with its obligations under the Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Act 1999 (EOWWA). This applies to businesses with more than 100 employees.
Like to know more? Take a look at the Enterprise Connect website
For businesses located on the Gold Coast, Amanda Lee & Co is please to recommend Stuart Kerr, Enterprise Connect Business Adviser for the Gold Coast region. He can be contacted at:
Mobile Phone: 0414 180 226 or click here to email Stuart